

Hilma Biocare

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Company: Hilma Biocare
Active Half-life (Hours): 9h
Group: Anabolic Steroids
Subgroup: Oral/tablets
Dosage: 5 mg per tab.
Application (Men): 5-30 mg a day
Product pack: 100 tab.
Content (active): Fluoxymesterone
Retains water: No
Aromatization: No

Product Description:

Halotestin is a potent oral steroid that boasts exceptionally high androgenic activity and two times the anabolic properties of other steroids. The active component, Fluoxymesterone, was first introduced to the market in the 1950s. Today, it’s popular among athletes seeking to enhance their physical characteristics without significant weight gain. Halotestin is particularly effective for bodybuilders with low body fat, as it yields excellent hardness and definition without estrogenic activity.


By using Halotestin, athletes can:

  • Increase tissue regeneration
  • Boost strength
  • Reinforce bones
  • Improve emotional well-being

Side Effects:

Common side effects associated with Halotestin include:

  • Acne
  • Temporary shutdown of testosterone production
  • Elevated low-density cholesterol levels (LDL)
  • Raised liver enzymes


When using Halotestin, it’s recommended to include gonadotropin in your regimen. Avoid combining it with other oral anabolic steroids, and take precautions if you have gastrointestinal tract issues. Due to the increased load on the liver, it’s recommended to reduce the dosage by half and avoid using Halotestin for longer than 8-12 weeks.


Halotestin is effective when used in combination with other anabolic and androgenic steroids, such as HGH. It’s a safe and potent addition to any strength-building regimen.