Methenolone Enanthate
$ 52.97
Hilma Biocare
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Company: Hilma Biocare
Active Half-life (Days): 10 days
Group: Anabolic Steroids
Subgroup: Injection
Dosage: 100 mg/ml
Application (Men): 300-800 mg a week
Product pack: 10ml vial
Content (active): Methenolone Enanthate
Oil-based: Yes
Retains water: Yes
Aromatization: No
Product Description:
Methenolone Enanthate, also known as Primobolan, is a highly effective steroid that promotes rapid fat loss while preserving muscle mass. Its mild anabolic properties and direct impact on body fat reduction make it a popular choice among athletes seeking to eliminate excess fat. Additionally, Methenolone Enanthate enhances strength, recovery, and endurance, making it an excellent option for both men and women athletes.
By using Methenolone Enanthate, athletes can:
- Achieve lean muscle gains
- Boost strength and power
- Accelerate fat loss
- Stimulate faster muscle tissue regeneration through increased oxygen delivery to blood cells
Side Effects:
Common side effects associated with Methenolone Enanthate include:
- Acne
- Temporary testosterone suppression
- Elevated Low-density cholesterol levels (LDL)
When using this product, consider adding gonadotropin to your regimen to minimize side effects.
Methenolone Enanthate has been shown to produce excellent results when combined with long-estered anabolic steroids and Human Growth Hormone (HGH).